Coffee Houses

portion of map of Keystone Innovation district in Meadville, Pennsylvania

College and Community

Too often these days, you hear about frictions between colleges and the communities they’re located in. But my visit to Allegheny College in Meadville, PA, proved this doesn’t have to be the case. Indeed, the relationship between Meadville, Crawford County, and Allegheny College is best viewed as a partnership that brings benefits to all.

Housing is located a block away from Saratoga Springs' main street

Downtown Housing -Minus Parking +Plus Commercial

The residents and business owners of Saratoga Springs, New York, treasure their downtown. Two planning priorities: increase the amount of housing downtown and ensure retail on the ground floor of buildings.

getting together at a local coffee house

Our Vanishing “Third Places”

Informal neighborhood gathering places were, for many years, an integral part of our cities and towns. Since World War II, they’ve been vanishing. An exploration of why “third places” are so important to the health of our communities.