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Planning Commissioner Perspectives

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An effective planning commission must enjoy an internal harmony in order to work with other groups such as elected officials and professional planners, and ensure good communication between its members.

An effective planning commission must enjoy an internal harmony in order to work with other groups such as elected officials and professional planners, and ensure good communication between its members. The commission should work together. Organizations which experience internal conflicts seldom perform well, and are less likely to unify their energies towards meeting their goals. In addition to maintaining good internal communication, the commission must have good working relationships with other organizations in the community.

The most important group the commission deals with is the city council or other legislative body. It is important also to work effectively with other governmental organizations and agencies such as school boards, highway departments, federal agencies, and even other planning commissions. A commission must interact with citizens and special interest groups to assure that planning is consistent with community needs and desires.

A planning commission should also take the responsibility to educate the community. Citizens cannot be expected to be familiar with zoning ordinances and planning matters, but the planning commission, through the use of public hearings, public meetings, and joint work sessions can effectively communicate and educate the public. Public hearings and meetings allow two-way communication between the commission and the community.

The result should pave the way for improved possibilities for public support. Last, but not least, establish good integrity and a code of ethics and abide by them. For example, avoid conflicts of interest and refuse gifts and favors from anyone if they are offered. You should also avoid political activity in which your position as a planning commissioner may bring influence. As a planning commissioner you hold an important position of public responsibility.

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