The Return of Downtown?

April 8th, 2013

Did you see a recent article in Forbes Magazine titled “Downtowns: What’s Behind America’s Most Surprising Real Estate Boom“? As Morgan Brennan of Forbes writes:

One of the main factors businesses consider when deciding on where to relocate or expand is the available pool of college-educated workers. … And there’s one place this desired demographic, college-educated professionals between the ages of 25 and 34, tends to want to live: tight-knit urban neighborhoods that are close to work and have lots of entertainment and shopping options within an easy walk.”

We’ve also covered this emerging trend and want to invite you to:

illustration by Paul Hoffman
illustration by Paul Hoffman; copyright PlannersWeb & Planning Comm’rs Journal

1. Browse through the dozen articles we’ve published on strengthening our downtowns; and

2. Participate in a discussion topic that we’ve posted on our PlannersWeb LinkedIN group page:

Are you seeing more housing in your downtown? Are there barriers in your community to having more downtown housing? Are there programs to encourage it?

Two quick notes: First, anyone can read excerpts from articles we’ve published; but only PlannersWeb members can view the full text. Second, we’re using our LinkedIN page for discussion of articles we’re posting on the PlannersWeb; we welcome planning commissioners, planners, and anyone else interested to participate in these discussions — you just need to have a free LinkedIN account.