Worth a Look: Discussion on LinkedIn of Della Rucker’s Last PlannersWeb Column

March 11th, 2013

Note from PlannersWeb Editor Wayne Senville:

I want to encourage you to check out our PlannersWeb group page on LinkedIn. Right now, there’s a lively discussion of Della Rucker’s most recent PlannersWeb column, What Does a Good Discussion Look Like. You’ll find some quite interesting insights — and Della also responds to several of the comments.

There’s one catch. You need to belong to LinkedIn to access our group page. LinkedIn is a free “social networking” service — but one that has a very different feel than Facebook. It’s primarily oriented to professionals. If you haven’t tried out LinkedIn, I’d encourage you to do so. But remember to join our PlannersWeb LinkedIn group after you sign up.

screenshot of PlannersWeb Linkedin group page
Screenshot of part of discussion related to Della Rucker’s PlannersWeb article. Click on image to view it at full size. Then go to the full discussion using the link in the first paragraph of this post.