photo of Elaine Cogan

Elaine Cogan

Elaine Cogan, founding principal of the Portland, Oregon planning and communications firm of Cogan Owens Cogan, has consulted for more than 36 years with communities undertaking strategic planning and visioning processes. Elaine has been honored for her work on a variety of citizen involvement projects, including “Complete Communities for Clackamas County,” which received the American Planning Association's 2002 Public Education Award.

Between 1991 and 2009, her “The Effective Planning Commissioner” column ran in the Planning Commissioners Journal. All of her past columns (along with her new ones) are available here on

Welcome sign on a wall in several languages

Welcoming the Public

Do citizens fell welcome at your planning commission meetings from the moment they enter the meeting room door? Steps you can take to provide a welcoming environment.

image of pie chart with people standing on sections of it

Using Visual Aids

Visual aids can be a key part of a presentation. Yet we often fail to carefully plan for their use. Elaine Cogan provides some tips — and warns of some pitfalls.