Youth & Planning

What do kids know about planning — and what can they contribute to the planning process in your community? Plenty! But in their own language and in their own way.

Never expect them to use the jargon that is so familiar to professional and lay planners. Zoning … setbacks … conditional use … words that we use every day are sure to turn them off.

But talk about putting a large retail store across from their favorite park, or whether to build a bicycle path around the high school or restrict parking downtown, and you will get their attention — and their opinions.


Graph showing unemployment and underemployment of young workers.

It’s All About Jobs

Could your community or local businesses benefit from passionate, smart, and well-educated workers who are willing to work long hours? A look at ways in which communities have helped connect young adults to jobs.

Planning ABC's illustration

Y is for Youth

In the planned neighborhood developments of the 1920s, elementary schools were centrally located within easy walking distance of their student population. But that changed with the explosive unplanned suburban sprawl of the 1950s and the decades that followed.