Getting Started

January 15th, 1997
Article #103

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In getting started, communities usually (and wisely) focus first on straightforward pedestrian improvements such as sidewalks, and on not automatically doing things like widening roads. Priorities for pedestrian improvements are in areas used by larger numbers of people: near shopping, schools, parks, libraries, and bus stops. Other focal points for pedestrian improvements are historic districts and dense core areas.

Safety, Comfort, and Convenience

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pedestrians want places that are safe, comfortable, and convenient. Pedestrian-oriented improvements should meet these three needs. Safety is pretty obvious. People need to be (and feel) safe from traffic dangers and crime. Otherwise, all of the money and effort spent on pedestrian improvements may be wasted.

Comfort is also critical to the success of pedestrian improvements. There need to be places for people to stop and rest, to find food and drink, and to get out of the rain. Comfort also means that the pedestrian environment needs to be visually attractive and well-maintained. …

End of excerpt

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