How the Information Revolution Is Shaping Our Communities

October 15th, 1996
Article #369

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In the last two decades edge cities have emerged, city centers struggled, and many mid-size metro areas boomed. Recently, work has begun moving back to the home (reversing a 200 year trend), while an increasing number of office buildings are being converted to residential use.

These are just some of the shifting patterns linked to the information revolution — a term that refers not only to computer and telecommunications technology, but to the role of information itself, and the accompanying transformations in the public, corporate, and personal worlds that the information and the technology are bringing about.

The information revolution has far-reaching impacts that we are only beginning to understand, affecting local economies, central cities, suburbs and towns, travel patterns, and floorspace requirements. Planners need to understand these impacts. Much of the emphasis so far in the planning field has been on the relocation of work from office to home. But this is just one small part of a complex, multi-layered transformation. …

End of excerpt

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